Platform for Characterization & Tes
Electron Microscope Lab.
Scanning Probe Microscope Lab.
Structure Analysis Lab.
Photovoltaic Test center
Optic-Electronic Lab.
Spectroscopy Lab.
Computing Center

Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Ruoshui Road 398, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou
TEL: 0512-62872554
FAX: 0512-62603079
CODE: 215125
High Resolution XRD  
High Resolution XRD
D8 Discover
- High temperature experimental equipment with temperature range from
room temperature to 1100°C.
- Unique knife edge collimator (KEC) for reflectometry with the 1/4-circle
Eulerian cradle
- Additional tilt stage with two rotational degrees of freedom for the In-Plane GID
- X-ray wavelength: 0.154056nm (Cu Kα1) generated by 2kW ceramic x-ray tube
- High precision goniometer and 1/4-circle Eulerian cradle:
- 0˚<ω、2θ<168˚, smallest step size 0.0001˚
- -10˚≤χ≤90˚, smallest step size 0.01˚
- -∞<φ <+∞; smallest step size 0.01˚
- 60mm Goebel mirror, beam divergence ≤110”;
- Ge220/Ge440 4-bounce monochromator, beam divergence ≤12”/5”
- 2-bounce Ge220 analyser crystal
- YAP:Ce scintillation detector
dynamic response range ≥107cps,background noise ≤3cps
(1) High-Resolution x-ray diffraction( for epitaxial thin films)
      - Multi-layer thickness
      - Chemical composition
      - Relaxation
(2) X-Ray Diffraction (for poly-crystalline thin films)
      - Phase determination
      - Crystalline grain size
      - Crystallinity(ration between crystalline phase and amorphous phase)
(3) X-Ray Reflectivity
      - Multi-layer thickness
      - Density
      - Surface/interface roughness
(4) In-Plane Diffraction (for sample with prefered orientation or epitaxial thin films)
      - In-Plane orientation
      - In-Plane lattice parameter and crystallinity
      - Depth analysis
Contact us:
Yong-Xin QIU   0512-62872545
Kai HUANG    0512-62872554
中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所(筹) 中国科学院 中华人民共和国科学技术部 中国科学院半导体研究所 中国科学院青年联合会 苏州独墅湖高等教育区
Copyright ® Platform for Characterization &Test 
                                                 ADS: Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Ruoshui Road 398, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou