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Paper call for APWS2017


Scope of Workshop
The 8th Asia-Pacific  Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors (APWS2017) will be held in Qingdao,Shandong,China,following a series of biennial workshops organized in Awaishima(2003),Hsinchu(2005),Jeonju(2007),Zhangjajie(2009),Toba(2011),Tamsui(2013),Seoul (2015)

Topical Areas

APWS 2017 focuses on material and device study of wide band­ gap semiconductors including TTT-nitrides ,SiC,diamond ,ox­ ide-based materials and so forth. The conference will address advances in both basic research ,as well as technology of the research field. For the former,the aim of the conference is to dis­ cuss the latest progress in basic research issues such as theoretical and experimental investigations of crystal growth,characterization,control of material properties,novel devices ,as well as other research issues of wide bandgap semiconductor materials. For the latter,the ambition ofthe conference is to debate new research results related to wafer production  processes,device fabrication technologies,device applications,and to analyze their global impact on the development and commercialization of advanced devices and circuits for solid-state lighting,energy saving,high frequency ,high power and high temperature applications.

Topics include but are not limited to:
 - Material  growth:  bulk  crystals,epitaxial growth,doping,low-dimensional system;
 - Characterizations:  defects,optical and electrical properties,surface and  interface properties;
 - Optical devices : LEDs,LDs,photodetectors,photovoltaics,intersubband devices;
 - Electronic devices : power switching,RF power ,high-temperature and radiation-resistant devices;
 - Theory and simulation: basic material properties, device design and modeling,thermal analysis;
 - New WBG materials and devices : diamond ,BN,Ga203,spintronics,bio- and chemical devices

Important Dates

Deadline of Abstract Submission: June 30th,2017
Abstract Acceptance Notification: August 1st,2017
Deadline for Early Bird Registration: August 15th,2017
More detailed information will be announced,please visit:


中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所(筹) 中国科学院 中华人民共和国科学技术部 中国科学院半导体研究所 中国科学院青年联合会 苏州独墅湖高等教育区
版权所有:中国科学院苏州纳米所测试分析平台  地址:苏州工业园区独墅湖高教区若水路398号